People's Teahouse (10/26) Reception at Okada

“People's Teahouse plaque unveiling and reception" Source: Stanford Archives

“People's Teahouse plaque unveiling and reception" Source: Stanford Archives

People’s Teahouse Workers of the World (Re)Unite!

During the 1970s and 1980s, the People’s Teahouse served dim sum, tea, ramen, and almond cookies to hungry Stanford students, next to Madera House (today called the Okada House). The volunteer work force consisted mainly of Asian Theme House residents (then located in Junipero, and later moved to Okada), along with members of JRA (Junipero Ringers Association), AASA (Asian American Students Association), and anyone else willing to contribute to maintaining this unique venue. All proceeds were donated to Asian community groups by vote of the Teahouse Workers.

Specialties from the People’s Teahouse menu will be available for tasting at this Reunion Homecoming event. This Reunion Year, many of the first wave of Workers and Managers will be present, to share their experiences and stories. Final details and registration information will be posted soon, so please keep up with your SAPAAC newsletters and emails. 

People’s Teahouse Reception
Time: October 26th, 2019 4 - 7 PM (tentative)
Location: Okada House (
Contact: Dan Kojiro